Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Roosevelt Roads
Puerto Rico

The knock on the hull early this morning was Tom telling us that he didn’t trust the car to make it all the way to San Juan so our trip to the exchange at Ft. Buchanan is off. Rats! I was really looking forward to the day out and about.

So I changed my plans and rode up to the bowling alley to continue trying to upload my posts to the internet while Dale stayed behind to try and track down stray electrical currents. Apparently our zinks are deteriorating quicker than he thinks is proper and he wants to make sure all of the 110 connections are properly grounded. Tom dropped by later and told him that when he dropped off some work to be done at the aluminum shop, our outboard motor hoist had been repaired and was waiting for pick up. He and Dale doubled back and by the time they got there, Tom’s repair had been completed too. Wow! Talk about service.

While waiting for my photos to upload into the blogspot (which is why it takes so long), I was able to ‘chat’ with Gerry & Nicky via Skype today. They are still in Georgetown and anticipate leaving on Saturday if the weather holds. They’ve been having a tough time with the weather lately and Nicky sounded anxious to find better sailing and swimming conditions. I remember the feeling and tried to assure her that once they made it this far south, things would improve tremendously.

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