Sunday, January 21, 2007

Roosevelt Roads
Puerto Rico

This morning Dale and I once again headed into town and finished the remainder of our errands before heading back to the boat. I try to keep a running list of what we need or what we should take care of when we do rent a car but in the evenings when we have a car, there’s always one or two more things we think of. Maybe its just an excuse to go somewhere; after all we do like to travel.

Word from Gerry & Nicky is that they are looking for another weather window to open in a couple of more days. If it doesn’t, we’re thinking of getting off the dock for awhile; we’re starting to get a film of gunk on the Palace’s bottom. With the type of bottom paint we have, it should only take a brisk ride in the open water to give her a good cleaning. That and we’re starting to set up a routine. Dale jogs every other morning. I ride my bike every morning. We both find something on the boat to polish, mend, fix, grease, clean, tidy up, or rearrange for the rest of the morning then either read or play computer games during the heat of the day. It’s not a bad life but something to keep in mind when we do finally retire. We have a habit of setting up routines after a couple of weeks and I think for us, we need more activity. When we’re moving from island to island, we don’t have time to set up routines.

In any event, we spent a quiet day. We figure that the next time we rent a car, if Gerry & Nicky are here, we’ll go visit Mac & Marie!

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