Monday, May 21, 2007

Great Exuma Island,

Another day of liquid sunshine and the forecast doesn’t have anything different for at least another week. Toucan Dream, NoCall and Aye Doc, bit the bullet and headed north hoping to get as far north as they could before being pinned down again. Our laundry wasn’t due back until after 4pm today, so we didn’t have an option of whether to go or not.

We listen to the weather broadcast in the mornings but also subscribe to the service that sends us the detailed report in written form via satellite. We were surprised that it took almost the entire morning before the written forecast was sent to us. However, once received, it caused us to pause and think about it a bit. The winds are within tolerable levels but the seas in the Exuma Sound are very high. We’ve been caught in 10’ seas before and done fine but we haven’t voluntarily gone out in them. We’ll listen again tomorrow morning before making our final decision. At this point in time, I suspect that we’ll opt to wait here for a week instead of going to another island where we’ll find good protection but little else.

If we do stay longer, we’ll trek in and find an internet service.

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