Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Great Exuma Island,

The weather forecast wasn’t any better today so we moved in a little closer to town and ran in to get a WiFi connection code for the week.

Vagu and another boat decided to try to make Emerald Marina a little farther north before the bad weather took hold but then didn’t leave until about lunchtime. We hope they make it.

Dale and I dinghied across the harbor to Volleyball beach and dropped in at Chat & Chill for a couple of cheeseburgers. We spoke with the owner/proprietor about his plans on expansion and hope that his dreams come to fruition. Chat & Chill is a little wooden bar & grill but built solidly. He has huge barbeques on the back deck and a clean kitchen behind the bar. He hopes to add WiFi to his services but wants to do it right. Quality hardware in a separate, air conditioned and dry building. Sounds like he has the right ideas.

We came back to the Palace as the first of many raindrops started to fall. The wind picked up to 20 kts with gusts to 25 and doesn’t sound like its going to quit anytime soon. Dale and I have decided to pull out some of the DVDs we brought with us and start watching them.

If we're going to be stuck on the boat, we might as well enjoy it.

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