Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Monday, June 22, 2020

Quarantine Anchorage (Sailor/Wuflu Jail), Grenada – Day 5

Happy Birthday Fred !

So let me get this straight.  There’s no cure for a virus that can be KILLED by sanitizer and hand soap. 

Not much to write about today.  Savannah and I did our routine, piano, math and reading comprehension classes.  Dale tore the toilet apart again.  His last recourse was to check the seal on the shaft leading to the macerator pump.  We’re waiting to find out if this takes care of the problem. 

Another Hazy Day!
This morning on the cruisers net, they reiterated that we are not to swing by our neighbors and talk with them.  We shouldn’t even talk back and forth between boats if we are close enough to do so.  We must radio ahead for permission to bring in trash.  If we choose to use the internet shopping option, we are to wait until delivery is made to the Quarantine Dock and then contacted by the Quarantine Dock to come in to pick up our purchases.  We are not to deploy any inflatable toys or appear to be having a good time.  As it was explained, if the locals can’t go out and about or visit the beaches, we aren’t to appear to be in any better circumstances.  Of course, all of these are subject to fine and/or imprisonment upon violation.  This is too bizarre to even comment upon.  The item that really got me going was, even after you get out of quarantine, you cannot visit other boats in other anchorages.  You can meet in a restaurant and sit across the table from them, but you can’t visit each others’ boats.  Incredible!!

After that, the only thing exciting that happened today was that the Grenadian Coast Guard came around and told several boats they had to move behind the buoys marking the boundaries of the Quarantine Anchorage.  When they came to us, Dale told them that we had already reanchored 5 times in an effort to find a holding place.  They checked their maps and then said we could stay.  Looking at the boundary markers, I think we were right on the line.  Maybe Savannah standing by her Papa helped; who knows.  Our neighbors to the right of us picked up their anchor and reanchored directly behind us.  Our neighbors to the left simply let out more rode.  Dale and he hollered back and forth a few times and we let out more of our chain as well.  Once the swinging went into motion, we let out even more.  All said and done, we have every link possible deployed but we’re still holding and don’t want to give up our tenuous purchase.  

Dale and Savannah make a coordinated run into town to dump a bag of trash.  It just so happened that Gerry was taking his trash in at the same time.  Imagine that!  Gerry relayed that he learned that more than 300 cruisers have been tested for CoVid19, not one has tested positive. 

Finally:  If these last few months have taught us anything—its that stupidity travels faster than any virus on the planet. 

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