Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Quarantine Anchorage (Sailor/Wuflu Jail), Grenada – Day 7

Remember when you were little and your underwear had all the days of the week on them?  Those would be helpful right now.

Believe it or not, we just spent a night where we didn’t have to jump up and down all night to close the hatches for rain.  I actually got a good nights’ sleep. 

Today was the same as yesterday, except that Dale’s last toilet fix seems to have eliminated the leak.  The thing both Savannah and I noticed, was that it sounds different now.  Its much louder.  Not sure how one thing has to do with the other but just an observation. 

Dale and I are tag teaming classes these days.  I do piano, math and reading in the morning, he does the science brain quests and swim lessons in the afternoon.  Today’s math lesson had to do with counting money, so instead of having her draw everything out, I dug out real coins and went from there.  It seems to have captured her attention better. 

Gerry seemed occupied by finding an after quarantine marina to celebrate our release from WuFlu Jail.  At first I was trying to take the cheap route but then when he pointed out that we would have been in a marina had we actually made Trinidad on time, I was all for it.  (Yeah! Twist my arm!)  Air conditioning? – please!  Pool? – absolutely!  Since he has more parameters that must be met than us, we’ll just tag along.  Where ever they’re happy, we’ll be happy too.  By evening, he settled on the marina that is serving as the Quarantine Dock.  Best monthly prices and 110/60 (American) electricity.  Unfortunately, Nicky is still nursing a torn meniscus and prefers a side to tie up for getting on and off the boat.  As electricity won out over position on the dock, Port Luis (the marina) won out although it is a med-moor tie.  We’re hoping that Opal will be put either next to us or Texas Crewed so that she can cross to our boat and then off the stern.  We’ll see what happens. 

I also took the opportunity to write to the Grenadian Ministry of Health requesting that our 5 day transit (with departure papers from St. Thomas) be taken into consideration for the 14 day quarantine.  The officer from the Ministry of Health had suggested that we write.  It’s a long shot but its just a request.  If they say no, we’re no worse off. 

Dale and Savannah did their evening swim (with fins) out to the anchor – yep, still holding.  The Grenadian Coast Guard made their rounds through the anchorage and didn’t even slow near us today.  Tomorrow, since we seem to be holding, we’ll put up the sun shades to ride out the remaining time at anchor.  We didn’t want to go through all of the work of putting them up just to take them down in an emergency move. 

That’s it for today. 

Finally:  It may take a whole village to raise a child but I swear it will take an entire distillery to homeschool one. 

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