Thursday, June 25, 2020

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Quarantine Anchorage (Sailor/Wuflu Jail), Grenada – Day 7/8

This corona quarantine has given my husband Alzheimers!!!  He doesn't remember what he ever saw in me.

It’s officially been 1 week since we arrived in WuFlu Jail.  We watched a couple of boats leave but rather surprised as to how few.   Our neighbors to the left of us dinghied in this morning but so far, haven’t returned.  We figure they’ll be leaving soon as you can’t do anything on shore until you’ve cleared customs after testing. 

Besides that, we’ve settled into our school routine.  Dale busied himself cleaning some of the rust stains on the sides of the boat and then polished the chrome on the two pulpits and anchor sleeve. 

In the evening, once the wind died down, we hoisted the jib so that we could turn the camber spar to the side that fits in the cover best.  When we last lowered it, the wind was blowing at a pretty good clip and it settled on the wrong side to put the cover back on.  Once the cover was in place, we felt that we could deploy the sun shades as we haven’t dragged in a couple of days.  We did tie them higher than usual so that in case of an emergency, we could move without having to take them down. 

Nothing more to report.  All is well. 

Finally:  Where’s your husband?....In the garden….I didn’t see him….  You just need to dig a little.

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